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Installation, 2024

In the context of the exhibition Wanderungen & Ziele: Im Aufbruch Heimat finden (Wanderings and goals: Finding home by wandering)
kunstGarten Graz,
29. 06. - 01.09.2024
Curator: Irmi Horn
Opening: Bürgermeisterinstellvertreterin Mag.a Judith Schwentner & Kunsthistorikerin Mag.a Marlies Schöck, MA (Camera Austria)

The Styrian artists Doris Jauk-Hinz, Anne Lückl and Gerhard Kubassa confront the stimulants of life's challenges in different genres and gestures.

Intimate, far-reaching, playful and aesthetically challenging, they present us with manifested criteria of their wandered experiences on the way to their personal goals, which for artists can also be impulses for the viewer in formed gestalts and thus also reveal insights and perspectives into new worlds of experience. Modes of interpretation merge into a starting point for a labyrinthine encounter with oneself and how we interact with each other in this home of ours.
Irmi Horn
[... IM FLUSS, Doris Jauk-Hinz_Installation, kunstGarten_DJH_2024]
... IM FLUSS, Installation im kunstGarten, 2024
Foto: Doris Jauk-Hinz

Water is life, its spring is a new beginning. From the tiny to the mighty river, water is in flow, ideally structured in a self-determined way on its way to a common and global body of water. The river is subject to a constant cycle and, metaphorically speaking, it is the symbol of life.
An exemplary selection of snapshots of the states of flowing will be installed in "homeopathic doses" in the kunstGarten Graz.

[... IM FLUSS, Photomontage, Doris Jauk-Hinz 2024]
... IM FLUSS, Photomontage, Doris Jauk-Hinz, 2024

[... IM FLUSS, Installation, Doris Jauk-Hinz Foto: Julian Jauk]
Photo: Julian Jauk
[... IM FLUSS, Installation im kunstGarten, Foto: Doris Jauk-Hinz]
Photo: Doris Jauk-Hinz

[Eröffnung ... IM FLUSS, Fotos: Julian Jauk]
Opening: 29 June 2024, Photos: Julian Jauk

Thank to: kunstGarten Graz; Julian Jauk


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